New Offering! For rising or returning college students.
An extension of Through the Trees and in collaboration with Loni Rowe from Swallowtail Counseling.​
College-Bound Thinkers, LLC supports students in a small group focusing on skill-building and finding your grit!
Check it out here.
ADHD/Executive Functioning Skills Coaching
(including social communication and study skills)

People of all ages, with or without a diagnosis.
We hear things like this every day:
She told me she studied, but then I learned that all she did was 'look over her notes'.
My wife is beyond frustrated with the number of things I start but don't finish.
He refuses to write anything down but then forgets everything!
I really wish his teachers would stop letting him turn things in late.
I can't get her to sit down and fill out the Common App, let alone write her essay!
How is he going to manage college if he can't even write a cohesive paragraph?!
She makes friends quickly, but then can't seem to keep them.
They take medication, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I feel like I'm doing way too much for him, but if I don't he ends up failing.
How do I get him to think and plan ahead?
She spends so much time staring at her phone instead of doing anything productive.
Don't just take our word for it.
Let other parents tell you why.
I believe hiring you has been the most positive investment I've made to support my son in college! He has been so much more comfortable telling us what's going on with his classes this semester. It's just been a complete difference from last semester. I'd like to ensure your services will be available again for next school year. - Mother of a college junior
I’m very happy with my daughter's progress. She seems much more engaged and confident. I think you and your team have been a big help! She definitely wants to stick with it next semester too. -Mother of a college sophomore
Boy are we lucky to have you!!! I have to say, each time we talk he seems more confident with handling the workload and shares that you guys are connecting quite regularly. - Mother of a college freshman
I appreciate you taking such good care of my son. You are the only piece of mind I have at the moment with him being so far away and struggling. - Mother of a college sophomore
Thank you for helping my son be accountable for his schoolwork. This is such a challenge for us. He assures us he is “caught up” but we can't be sure. I asked my son how he was able to open up to you last meeting and he said he just feels comfortable speaking with you. You have made a great connection with him and we are so grateful and truly impressed. - Father of a high-school senior