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Executive Functioning Skill Coaching for Kindergarten - 8th Grade

The expectations change as our students move from one grade to the next. Sometimes kids with executive functioning challenges, no matter how smart, need coaching to help them reach their potential.

- Are you sure you don't have any homework? 

- Why does it say that you're missing 6 assignments in English?

- Make sure you ask your teacher if you can do a re-take?

- How long have you been on that device?

- Don't forget your homework!

- Please remember to bring home your jacket!

- Remember, try to go with the flow at recess.

- Did you study for Spanish?

10 one-hour appointment
3-monthly payments of: $500

- What do you mean your gym bag is still at the gym?!

- You need to wake up early enough to eat breakfast. 

- Did you write it in your planner?

- Think before you act!

This coaching package is for the parents who are tired of giving the same
reminders and asking the same questions, over and over again. 

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